Bright Sun

Bunaken National Park

Bunaken is located in North Sulawesi, 15 km from Manado. This place is one of the most beautiful places to visit. Bunaken National Park is representative of the ecosystem of a tropical forest ecosystem of mangroves, coral reef, and land/coastal ecosystems.
Bunaken's Underworld

             Beautiful scenery with a variety of marine animals, such as starfish and clown fish who shyly hiding in sea anemones, the main attraction for tourists to dive into the sea in the Bunaken Marine Park. The waters of Bunaken Marine are extremely deep (1566 m in Manado Bay), clear (up to 35-40 m visibility), refreshing in temperature (27-29 C) and harbor some of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world.
Great Walls
Diving Activity

             The tourists can dive down to see the beautiful of Bunaken bottom sea. Dives location are limited in each of beaches, more or less any 20 point dive (Dive spot) and 12 point of them in the vicinity of Bunaken Island is often visited by divers and bottom sea beauty lovers. On the island there is underwater great walls, also called the hanging walls or walls of a giant coral with vertical standing and vaulted to the top. Coral wall is also a source of food for fish in the waters around Bunaken Island.

Having read the post above? Yes! Bunaken National Park is very popular by its underworld. Every year, about almost 15.000 visitors come to Bunaken. The most interesting activity is diving and snorkeling. Currently, the average cost to dive in Bunaken is about U.S. $ 60 (about Rp 480.000,00) and Rp 100.000,00 for snorkeling. Pretty cheap, right? Let's go get the paradise in your hand by visiting Bunaken National Park! :D

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